Thursday, August 07, 2008

Drumroll please....

I appreciate the words of encouragement and advice from those who commented on my last post concerning the debate I was having in my mind as to whether or not purchase a television that was actually bigger than the clock hanging in our living room.
There were several comments by Anonymous; the first one sounded like it could be my mother - making the crack about food storage. But then I figured she'd sign her name, so it was some other motherly figure looking out for my little family. Much appreciated...or in the tongue of my wife's ancestors - Muchos Gracias. (BTW, food storage - got it covered.)
The wittiest of all comments was also my Anonymous #2 - buy a smaller clock. Very, very good. Don't be scared to ID yourself next time - this is a safe space for witty retorts.

Well, here's the result of my decision....

Who's your daddy, clock? 51" of unadulterated view pleasure - that's who! You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Special thanks to Dennis and Nancy for purchasing a beautiful flat panel to hang on their wall, thus freeing up this just in time for college football season. (23 days until kick-off)


Anonymous said...

Well done, well done! Now I know where to go on Saturday mornings. I think you made the right decision.

Just a Sports Fan said...

Nicely done. Now if my wife will ever let me get an XBOX 360, you can enjoy the thrashing that will undoubtedly come from a round of Madden from afar on this very large screen.

Mormon Mama said...

Twasn't I who raised the food storage specter. I'm down with you having a great TV, just as long as you read your scriptures one minute for every five minutes the TV is on.

Anonymous said...

That is one good lookin' TV, Logan. And the more I look at it, that is one humongous clock!

Anonymous said...

i was showing my mom your blog, and said this is a funny picture. she didnt know what it was so she said, "wait, i need a magnifying glass to see." refering to her vision, but the implications are funny.